
Here I Am Again

Well, it's once more the wee hours of the morning, and I'll be heading off to sleep before too terribly much longer.

Y'know, I really think it's misleading to have the date on this post as Sept. 30th... It's going to make you think I went to bed, then got up and posted this. But see, it's not really the 30th in my mind until I've gone to bed... usually. I mean, it's still Monday for me. Ah well, just one more grave injustice that I must suffer, since most of the world won't admit to thinking like me...

Tate went on the potty two more times today. Yay! He seems to really enjoy sitting up there... probably because I sit on the floor in front of him and blow thousands of bubbles into his face. I'm such a great mom!

All right, now I'm losing entire hardbound VOLUMES of paper!!! Where's my Purpose-Driven Life book? Argh... Oh well... I'm a bookaholic anyhow. I shouldn't be picking up a book this late, otherwise I literally Will. Not. Sleep. At all.

I wandered over to another blog today... Dreadfully sorry, I'll have to post the link later, seem to have misplaced that as well---What is WRONG with me??--so I'll look for it later. Anyhow, it pointed to an article about Hillsong, and it's "unbiblical" practices and whatnot, and the "prosperity preaching" etc... I must say I was rather offended. It was all just a bunch of shady accusations and insinuations and a former church-goer or two who didn't like it. I won't go into detail now, but I just thought I'd let you know that I'm miffed. Right, then.

Well, you've had a brief reprieve from my incessant posting for one day. Just this one and I'm off. Have a FABULOUS day in the Lord...




Burning The... Dawn Oil?

Is there such a thing, or have I just invented it? I hope I have, that would be a nice addition to my list of accomplishments.

He's still awake. Why is that? Apparently the applesauce wasn't quite as ingenious as I once thought. It seems it only gave him fuel...

So I spoke briefly with my pastor again about this all-cosuming fire in my heart that I affectionately refer to as HILC... He had done some further thinking on it and suggests that Dave (our church's worship leader) and myself and a few others from the worship team organize an official group to attend Hillsong Conference next year. He says he's confident we can get the funds together for that (by way of the church itself, the alliance we belong to, and fundraising efforts if need be) to pull it off.

He further suggested that I make it a two week trip--one week for Conference, and one week to further explore the school and area, to get a better feel for what I will need to do (and how much money I would need to get together). I thought it was a grand idea. Don't you agree?

One more thing, and if it doesn't concern you then, well, there you are. But you know who you are. I know it hurts, and so does He. But you have to let go of it... You mustn't cling to it. God can use you and your situation to help others, and bring them to Him, but not until you've let Him heal you. And you *do* have to let Him... He doesn't barge into areas you've closed Him out of.

God bless y'all... keep pining for Him!



A Creature Is Stirring...

It's 3am, and the creature is stirring... Tate has decided that he is going to wake up in the wee hours of the morning now. This is the third night in a row. He's wide awake and playing in the dark in his bedroom. Hmmm... maybe I'll go potty train him.

So I thought I'd come say "hi"... "hi."

Hope everyone's having a marvelous night/morning/well, even afternoon or evening, depending on where you are.

APPLESAUCE! I'll go feed him applesauce with baby cereal mixed in. That usually fills him up quickly so that he can get back to sleep. I'm. Freakin'. Brilliant.

So here's a dilemna: I lied to someone a long time ago, but it was a very big lie... But it doesn't "matter" in a real sense anymore, in terms of it making a difference in our relationship--it doesn't affect the dynamics, etc... if that makes any sense. But it's something that, if revealed, will obviously destroy this person's trust in me.

That being said, should I confess to this person? I think I probably should... I mean, I think it is the right thing to do. But obviously I'm so completely terrified of doing that. I've confessed to God... is that enough? I want it to be, but I don't think it is.

Lemme know if you have any thoughts...

God bless you and good night



Must findses the papers... precioussssss

I absolutely abhor my scatter-brainedness (pronounced: scatter-brain'-ed-ness) at times. Ok, most times. I can find a piece of junkmail from 3 years ago (seriously, I did...and it scared me.), but I can't find a church program from THIS MORNING. So I guess I won't be highlighting the message this week... Way to go, Jack. See, I told you I'm a screw-up.

Chicken Nugget of Wisdom: Don't drink a half-frozen pepsi unless you want to be cold. Very. Cold.

Open your hearts to Him!!





Yeah, so I didn't really have a title for this one. It's Sunday again... woke up late. Again. I keep staying up waaaaay too late. And I keep promising myself I won't. Apparently I have a very stubborn right-brain.

Church went pretty well this morning. I can't help feeling like there was some kind of barrier during the worship, though. Chuck talked about trusting God when things go bad, or when He doesn't answer right away. To have patience and wait to see what God will do. It was very helpful, in light of my current situation.

I'm gonna try to find the program and put up some highlights... I'm always losing paper--maybe that's why I like the computer so much better, lol! Anyway, I think I'll start doing that each Sunday--putting up a summary of the message from Church, that way I can refer to it in times to come, and hopefully it will be of some help to others that come to visit as well.

God bless y'all!



I Couldn't Have Said It Better...

I was reading over at The Connexion and noticed a reference to the story about the girl in California trying to start a Caucasion Club in her high school.

Ok, I'm really sorry if this offends anyone, but I say: you go, girl. I think this particular controversy within it's singular context is wonderful. It's being instigated by a young girl who really does appear to be naive to the perceived racial implications that the embittered---aherm, I mean adult world is thrusting on it. What better way to open up the debate than by someone who doesn't have some kind of agenda?

And it allows the rest of the world to see the ridiculousness of the racial prefernce system we've installed into our society. It's the old "Miss Black America" debate, but it's got a different tone this time. Like it's been made ok to talk about now. I can't stand how touchy people are on that subject. We're all created by God, who gives a flying red ribbon what color you are?

I must say I was disturbed by one youngster's statement to the press:
But 14-year-old African American Tarryn disagrees.

"It's dumb, real dumb. The girl says 'we want to talk about our background,' well their background is about putting black people as slaves."
I'm sorry, but that little girl should NEVER have been quoted. First off, she obviously doesn't have the wherewithall to back up that kind of statement. But of course, that might get me started down the road to blasting the government and media for their corrupting of the educational system. We can save that for another time. :-)

I'll just sum it up with this (disclaimer to follow):
1. How did we get the majority of the slaves off the Ivory Coast? I'll give you a hint: We didn't go in hunting them.
2. It's awfully convenient that the history books offered to primary school students exclude the fact that there were THOUSANDS of BLACK slave-owners as well.
3. I won't even begin to go down the "Not-every-Caucasian-in-America-is-a-direct-descendent-of-a-slave-owner" road...

That, in my opinion, is racism. It's too bad a little girl who doesn't know enough facts to make an informed statement already has it so thoroughly ingrained in her head. And don't even get me started on that reporter... ok, in all fairness, maybe it was the editor. Actually, it would be both, since the reporter reported it in the first place, and then the editor approved it... BUT, I said I wasn't going there, so I'll turn around and give you my lovely little disclaimer now.

My disclaimer is only on how these statements may affect you. NOT on the information. I am truly sorry if this offends you. It is not meant, in any way, to do so. Truly, I do not intend to hurt anyone. But it's also my blog, and I intend to use it to explore my own feelings on things, and hopefully to spark some discussion. These comments are not made to stick it to anyone, or throw anything in anyone's face. They are facts. Documented facts. I am SOOOO not politically correct. Life is too short to waste it on making sure everybody feels warm and fuzzy all the time. It's not why we're here.

That being said, I will follow with my hope that this does NOT go to court. I think suing is a ridiculous "solution", and I use the term very loosely. Suing doesn't solve anything. It just moves money around. Stuff happens in life, deal with it. :-)

I hope I've not come across too terribly harshly in this post. I told ya to look out, when I get going it's tough to stop me, lol. And since no one is looking over my shoulder in order to know when to stop me... well. Whatever. Even if there was, I'm not likely to change my ideas about the absurdity of political correctness.

God bless ALL of you, of EVERY color.



Little Gifts From God...

Maybe they just look small. They're actually huge when you open them up. Here's one He gave me a few minutes ago. Wow... talk about some powerful words.

Saturday, September 27, 2003

I ought not to need reminding of this, but I'm grateful to Clarity Amid Chaos for the timely words

you cannot please God any more than you do right now. Man, that one is tough for me.
But it's true. The Bible says He loves you with a perfect love. And perfect means perfect. It can't get more perfect, because then the prior love wouldn't have been perfect. capisca?
when you embrace and dwell in the spiritual reality that God is satisfied with you because His Son dwells within you, only then will you be freed to live the life God has designed for you.
There's no doubt this is a faith trial to live in the spiritual reality of God's unconditional acceptance of you as a sinner in need of reconciliation. In a world that says screams "do more! Do it better! do it faster! do it cheaper! Do it differently! and do it two days ago!" it can be very hard to feel like God's unmerited favor rests upon you.
just remember...God's favor isn't based on you.

it's based on Him.

You can read the whole piece here. I'm going back to read it again.

Posted by Richard @ 11:52 PM BST [Link] [Make a Comment]

There's some food for life for ya... Thanks, God. I needed that...



Just. Plain. Cool.

You HAVE to check this out--it's so cool!! Creative GENIUSES!! Why didn't I think of this? Hmph. I'm so jealous.





You just don't have any idea. At all. It's like a disease, this urgency I feel. God is keeping it at the forefront of my mind... more so than anything else I've ever experienced in my ENTIRE. FREAKIN'. LIFE. Most things I've wanted to pursue have subsided to a "glowing ember" within a few days of inception, but this... this is something else entirely. I LOVE IT! It's like I'm feeding off the longing as it feeds off me. If nothing else at least I'm praying more, lol. God will probably tire of it soon. And it's renewed my passion for music and for God as well, though I hate having to admit that my passion for either had dwindled. It's certainly keeping me fresh. I'm praying all the time, I wander around the theater singing worship songs, lost in my own little world--at least that's how it looks to other people, lol. God knows, though. ;-)

It's like I want to just throw off all the crap I seem to be mired in. All the petty nonsense that constantly takes up my time and attention... things that don't matter. Perhaps this is my sloughing-off time. Who knows but God? I just feel like I'm wasting so much time... as though I've been wasting my life, literally... and I'd love to just chuck it and start fresh (well, not all of it, lol---can't throw out the kid). But you know what I mean... just erase the past and the baggage and all the little things I have my fingers and toes glued into right now... Just pick up and GO FOR GOD. UGH. This is frustrating.

Ok, I'll stop for now.... but one more thing... I don't know who you are, but you do. God's watching, all the time. Don't be afraid of that (rather, take comfort in it--and in Him). Be afraid of what you've done, and what it could lead to. He's the one who'll save you from it. Let Him.

God bless y'all!!



Something you *may* want to check out

Just to warn you in advance, the blog I'm about to reference contains some "adult language".

There's a blog I check out every now and again, mostly because this woman is smart, funny, and painfully honest. She makes some very good points, and I often agree with her observations. I was just reading up on some of her topics, and I thought I'd give you the opportunity to see what you think. She, like myself, is troubled with the... aherm, shady tactics, shall we say?... of Michael Moore, the "mastermind" behind Bowling For Columbine. She has quite a lot to say about him, but if nothing else, she's always been fair. That, more than anything else, is probably what keeps me coming back to check her blog.
Do be warned, though. Curse words are often frequent.

This is probably one of the best examples of her views, as well as her wit and creativity.

Just thought you might want to check her out.



Still playing around...

Well, I've decided now to play around with my font sizes and styles. Let me know what you like best. I think this should work well. If nothing else, it will help keep the page length reasonable. Maybe I should archive daily for a while? lol



It's Title-Time!

Well, let's have a look-see, shall we?

Hmmm... I can't say that it's too terribly bad. Perhaps we'll just have to go with it. I want some way to more easily distinguish between posts, for all you fast scrollers out there.

And I think I'll be archiving weekly, rather than monthly.... at least for a while anyhow, as I seem to be posting quite frequently. Alrighty then. See how easy it is to make decisions? Now if only I could put this new-found boldness into practice when I go to McDonald's. Yes, yes, I'm one of those people that can never make up their minds.

Well, I hope you've enjoyed the blog thus far, though I warn you: as I become more accustomed to blogging, my posts will become more focused, and not quite so chatty. I tend to have very strong opinions. Hopefully it will start up the rhetoric and we can all have a grand time debating things. But no matter your feelings, let's remember to keep things nice, my friends--remember, God hears every thought.

I'll be on later tonight, and perhaps I'll come across something worth talking about. Until then, God bless you! Oh, and thanks for stopping by... really. :-)



Well, that was weird. My last message didn't work. We'll try again.

So anyway, my new comments feature is up and running. Wonder of wonders, every time you come here, I have something new for you to do. Egads. Email me. Check the NEW links. Sign my guestbook. Comment on my posts. Will it ever end???

Let's hope not.

I hope you are all having a fabulous day. And I hope it continues for you. And well, if you aren't having a fabulous day, just hand over your whole entire existence to God, He'll know what to do with it. And if you do, it won't matter if you are having a good day or not, you probably won't notice. And it'll all be worth it in the end! LOL



Ok, that was just so totally wrong. Someone just hijacked my browser and redirected my homepage. They set it to a advertising spam site, so whenever I opened my browser, it would just pop up a billion ads. Some people are just so mean. Seriously, why can't everyone just be nicer? *Sigh*

Oh well. It's fixed. If you have similar problems or think you may have spy-ware on your computer (which you probably do, since everyone does these days), I would recommend getting Ad-Aware.


Well, I've submitted my blog to a few places... I'm so excited, I'm already on Blogs4God!!! Yay!

I think this process (keeping a journal) is going to be good for me. I just hope I keep up with it, lol.

For some reason, I wasn't feeling well earlier. It just snuck up on me suddenly, and I felt horrible for about an hour. I think the enemy is really trying to throw me off the path. I was praying and spending time with my son when it happened.

---Random News Flash: My son went on the potty today!! He'll be two in November, and this is his first time! Yay for Tate!! Now back to our irregularly scheduled programming---

Our church has been under attack in a major way since it's inception. So many things have happened to it's members that it can be really frightening and intimidating. I know that's what satan's goal is, but God is faithful. It's tragic, but it's also exciting. God must have some really wonderful plans up his sleeves for us if satan is trying this hard to thwart us.

I've been having really awful financial problems. I always seem to be on the verge of losing my house. First I lost my roommate (my younger sister) to rehab. She needs a lot of prayer, so please remember her. So there went her rent. Well, God has really blessed my parents, and my father was able to cover her rent for me. But now he'll have to stop because mom's medical bills are really mounting. So there goes $400 a month. At the same time, my mother is no longer able to watch Tate while I work. I've been looking around, and daycare is hideously expensive. I'm a paid actor--which means I make peanuts! They want more for watching him than I MAKE usually. So, I'm barely scraping by as it is, and now my income has DROPPED by $400/mo and my expenses have gone UP by about $500-600/mo. And ---this is really funny--- 2 Sundays ago, I was parking around back as I usually do at church, and the front of my car just fell into a culvert. I just sat there, looking around and going "Huh???". So I had $300 worth of car repairs to do before I could go anywhere (and now my credit card is maxed!!). Just things like that. Whenever I think things will finally settle down, something else happens--and it's getting progressively worse.

I'm not saying these things to whine--I truly am not. I'm surprising everyone around me (myself included) with how remarkable an attitude God has given me over this situation. A few months--heck, even a few weeks ago--I probably would have been panicking. Especially when Dad said I wouldn't be able to move back in for a few months to get back on my feet (mom is just too tired from the chemo, and it would be too stressful to have an energetic two-year-old underfoot all the time). But I know that God will take care of us. We're His children, and He knows what's best for us. He's in charge, and I need to stop worrying about it. I'll just do what He tells me to.

I do feel led to find another job, but I can't do that right now because I'm under contract at the theater until the end of November. If I tried to quit, I'd get sued, lol. But if I can find a good school for Tate and work out some arrangement with them, then it should be ok. The owner of the theater said she would have the Restaraunt Manager (it's a dinner theater) put me on the floor to wait tables 2-3 times a week, and I could make some extra money that way. It means working quite a bit more, but it would be during the day, when I can take Tate to school. If you remember that situation in your prayers, I'd be much obliged.

I'm not the only one having problems since our church was planted. My mother, who brought me to this church in the first place, was diagnosed with cancer this year. We were UNBELIEVABLY blessed to have caught it at all. It's the same kind that killed Mr. Rogers. It's in her lymph nodes, so there aren't any lumps or anything that you can feel. The only way to find it is if they are actually looking for it. See, she was watching my son one day while I was at work, and she tripped over our dog (Bonnie--she's the sweetest--a big pretty yellow lab) and fell, hitting her left side on the corner of Tate's playyard (like a baby gate, only it encompasses a small area for him to play in and is free-standing). Well, she didn't think much of it, but the swelling never got better, and after a few weeks, she was majorly swollen from her chest all the way down to her left hand. So finally, the doc put her in the hospital and they ran tests and put her on antibiotics, but nothing was working. She was in the hospital for FIFTEEN DAYS undergoing tests... finally, they decided to do a biopsy. The doc said when he took it out that it looked fine. It wasn't until the tests came back from the lab that they found the cancer.

How amazing is that? Like... gracious! God just wasn't gonna stop until we found it. And can you imagine... we found out because the dog tripped her! I just think that's so great. God uses the craziest stuff.

And if you really want to get philosophical, you could say that if I wouldn't have gotten the divorce, we wouldn't be living in Florida, and she wouldn't have landed on a Playyard, since she wouldn't have had one. God doesn't just use weird things... he uses bad things. Remember that. He can make good things happen from bad, or painful, or even sinful circumstances. He uses ALL things for the good of those who love Him.

Anyway, mom had a partial mastectomy, and has lost most of the use of her left arm. Plus she has lymphedema, which is basically because her lymph nodes were removed, so now she has nothing to circulate the lymph fluid that builds up in the area. So she's very swollen there. They weren't able to get all the cancer, but it doesn't seem to be spreading. Right now she's undergoing chemo, and she'll probably start radiation in December. Please, please, pray for her.

I think I'll stop now, lol. I've probably flooded you with way too much information in one post. I guess I just want to show you that satan is real, and he gets very upset when we move in the direction God leads us. He does his best to foil our plans, and separate us from God. But you don't have to give in. God is awesome, and He'll always be there with you. Just don't forget that. Worry about nothing, and PRAY ABOUT EVERYTHING.

God bless you!




Sometimes I feel so totally and completely pathetic, lol. I can't even afford to buy a new cd--I have to scrounge up money to buy a used one! Oh well. God is teaching me how to rely on Him instead of on money. It's such a strange concept to us, since the world we live in is so focused around the dollar.

I think my biggest dilemna right now (aside from my appalling lack of the ever-popular dollar) is the confliction I feel when trying to remove its importance from my life. I'm afraid of being labelled irresponsible... having children just really messes with your head sometimes, lol. Like, I know I can take my own self off such reliance on money, but what about my son? He needs diapers and clothing and a solid roof over his head. Personally, I'd live in my car if I had to--no biggie. But I can't do that to him. I can go without eating for a time--in fact, it helps my walk with God (fasting can be such a time of spiritual growth and renewal). But I can't very well not feed my child.

If any of you have some insights, or even just a few encouraging words, please don't hesitate to verbalize them my way. I could really use some help in this area.



Ok, so I thought I'd search for some used Hillsong worship DVDs or CDs on Half.com, which is Ebay's sister site (sale only, no auctions). Oh my goodness graciousness!!! There's nothing there! I'm totally, utterly flabbergasted... I'll go look on Ebay.



Hey there, hi there, ho there. And all that good stuff, too. I found a pretty cool website today. They're trying to accumulate one million "signatures" for Jesus Christ. Pretty neat idea. Go have a look and help them out!

I worked a double today. The night show was pretty funny--the girl playing Eliza Doolittle lost it on stage and started cracking up when she was supposed to be throwing a fit. I laughed so hard that the actors told me they could hear me onstage.

I invited her (Eliza) to visit my church on Sunday. She sounded really excited. I hope she comes. I think she'll really like it.

My church is called Common Ground Community Church. We're new, but we average 100 - 130 for our attendance right now... though we're growing so fast, that won't be the average for more than another week or two, lol. Last month we were averaging 70 - 100. At any rate, it's a great church--our pastor, Chuck, is a great man of God. The Lord has helped him guide me so much already. He's been given some wonderful insights.

I found another site last night and was up until all hours scouring it. It has an amazing message, and it's so well put together. The messages are great, and so true.

But at the same time, it makes me feel like I'm not yet good enough. Know what I mean? I just... I guess I just doubt myself a lot. But I know I shouldn't do that. The Holy Spirit resides in me, and there's no reason to doubt. Anyway... that sight is a great resource, full of really useful information. You should definitely check it out!

Well, I think I'll go do some more surfing. I love soaking up information out here. Until I started really getting serious about my faith, it never occurred to me that the Internet could actually help me in my walk with God! He's just so awesome, isn't He???

God bless you, and be well!




I've been delving deeper into Hillsong's website and I just happened to notice that their official "youth group" encompasses people up to the age of THIRTY-FIVE. How unbelievably cool is that?! I just think that is so awesome! I get so bummed out when I find out I'm too to old to be a part of something fun and exciting. I think all youth groups should let us stay until we are at least 30. I'm not ready to shake off some of the merits of youth. I want to be wildly passionate, and fun-loving, and adventurous... Boy, would I love to be there...


Is that coveting? Probably... I should focus on what I can do for God while I'm here. And boy, do I have lots of ideas. I'm full of ideas, can you tell? Let's take a breather, and I can tell you later. ;-)

May God bless your life, and your loved ones. May He keep you safe from the enemy, and may you keep Him always in your heart. Be well, my friends!



In case you were wondering: I didn't elaborate on it not being the best of days because not only do I not want to be a whiner, but I don't really see any point on dwelling on the negative--especially inconsequential little nuggets that have no real lasting effect. :-) Just didn't want you to think I was completely off my rocker.



Well, that wasn't the most pleasant of days. But at least I got my new cellphone in the mail. After 3 years with the same exact phone (yeah, I know, I just never felt like upgrading to a newer one--my old one worked fine), I lost it. Don't have a clue where it went, I still can't find it. I know it's either in my house, my car, or my parents house. Oh well. Now I have this teeny-tiny itty-bitty little silver flip-phone. It's so lightweight it feels like a toy phone.

I'm still "heaven-bent" on going to HILC. I don't think anyone on earth can understand this yearning (but I suppose that's like every woman who conceives acting like she's the first one to ever be pregnant). It's just such a constant and desperate thing. I can't even fully describe it... I just keep waving my arms around and making urgent little noises of exasperation whenever I try.

I didn't do much today. Went to work, came home and tried to clean mom's bathrooms... but my son kept getting into things, and I didn't really have anyone around to help distract him. He's such a cute little handfull, though. Then I took him with me to music practice for the Praise and Worship Team. It went really, really well. It's so great, because we get to worship together twice a week. That's what usually happens anyway... we start out with a rehearsal and end up just praising God. It's so freakin' cool.

After that I came home, said goodbye to Mom (she's joining Dad in London for a week--Dad's anniversary gift), then came on home to set up my spankin' new phone. It's fun, I love all the little features I can play with. It was amazing to realize how much I rely on that thing. My life has seemed so disconnected this last week without one. I don't like that... not the feeling, it was a good wake-up. Rather, I don't like that I'm so dependent on it. I'm considering having my home phone disconnected. But then I wouldn't be able to keep this diary, since I'd have no internet access, lol. I don't know, we'll see what happens.

GOD BLESS YOU!!!! and be well :-)




Time to head off for work... I work for the Orlando Broadway Dinner Theater. We're running My Fair Lady right now, and all I do is operate the spotlight... yay. Not much fun after starring in a show. But it's ok. It's not exactly hard work, lol. I'm in the next show (Fiddler), and I get to play a crazy old ghost (Fruma Sarah). Will I ever be an ingenue? Not likely. I'm too good at belting.

I WANT TO BE AT HILLSONG!!!!! I want to break my contract, pick up my son, and just GO. Hmmm... perhaps He's teaching me patience.

God bless you, and be well.



Ok, so I was just too excited about my new blog to go to bed just yet. I wanted to get in another post. Hmmm... what can I fill it with?

I LOVE GOD!!! He's just so freakin' cool.
My favorite color is purple, though not until recently.
I'm a real meat and potatoes kinda girl.
I think I'll just burn alive from the fire God started in me to study Worship.

Ok, I'll go to bed now...

OH! Almost forgot--I'm extremely conservative (politically).

God bless you, and be well.




Hi there, and welcome to my blog... ain't it grand? Oh... well... grand or not, here it is, then.

I figured I should probably tell you a little more about myself. My name is Jessica, but everyone calls me Jack. I'll tell you why in a later post (I'm so tricky! See how I lured you into coming back to unravel the mystery of me?). At any rate, I'm 24, I live in Central Florida, and I have a two-year-old son. We rent a house near my parents, and spend a good deal of our time at THEIR house, since it's bigger and has a pool. :-)

After waiting over a year, I finally got to see Hillsong's worship team, live on stage, here in Florida just a week ago... it was UNBELIEVABLE... UNFATHOMABLE...

And now, ladies and gentleman, after more ado than I care to acknowledge, I give you: "

What Jack Is Going To Do With Her Life" - By Jessica L. Smith

I am going to drag my patootie (and my son's) to Australia if I have to SWIM there, and I'm going to study Music and Performing Arts, and then, I'm going to be a worship leader... I can't believe I never gave it serious thought before. I just figured I'd have to go through four years as a music major at some boring school, and then I'd lose interest long before the diploma was in sight, and it would be a waste of time, etc etc etc etc etc...

Um, hello? Since when is serving God a waste of time? What kind of silly girl am I? I've been singing on worship teams since I was in high school... and I can say with relative authority that I am the most passionate person I've ever met... I can't believe it's taken me this long to figure this out. I'm so dense sometimes.

Ok, I'm going to stop yapping now, since it's getting late and I have to work and help mom tomorrow.

GOD BLESS YOU and be well!

