
What IS That!?!?

Where is that stupid little rectangular blank spot coming from?? I can't find it in my coding anywhere, so what's it doing there? It's driving me crazy. I want it gone, so that y'all can see ALL of what I'm saying...

Oh wait... um, I wonder if y'all can even see it. Is it just on my computer? Ok, then, I'll just ask you: do you typically see a blanked out spot in my posts? Because I do... Hmmm, maybe I'm just special, and it only comes to visit me...

Yeah, I know, I'm a little loopy. But it's 3am, people, what do you expect? I'm going to bed now. And Pastor Scott: I read it TWICE. :-p

Live it "UP", people.


Hmmm, if I plan my posts just right, I can make it blank out a spot with no words that is otherwise already "blank".... yeah, that's just too much effort.
