
Updates On Jackville (warning!! contains "Fiddler" spoilers!!)

So here I am again, still not properly keeping up with my blog. Though I've found some other very nice ones to share with you: Scott seems like a really great guy, trying to figure his way through God's will for his life. You should definitely check him out (though he does seem to be lacking an "ABOUT ME" section, so I'm having to piece together an idea of just who he is--that's a not-so-subtle hint, Scott!!). And I found this really cool blog that appears to now be defunct, but it's still there. It's these two guys (well, and a girl, actually) as they discuss and debate things--namely courting.

I've been hearing a LOT about courting all of the sudden lately. And I must say the idea appeals to me greatly. Sometimes I secretly wish that my father would just arrange a marraige for me (well, I guess it's not so secret anymore, lol). I hope that doesn't freak any of you out. Rather, I really hope some of you can identify with that. But more on that later. I'm trying to keep this post light-hearted.

At any rate... we had the funniest show today. We all lost it at one time or another onstage. First, during the "New Arrival" scene at the tailor-shop, Motel (pronounced Moddle or Muddle, not mow-tel) tests a newly sewn piece of fabric to show off his new sewing machine, tugging at the stitch, etc... Well, today when he did, it ripped right down the seam!! It was hysterical!! Then, during the "Chavala Sequence" (when Tevya learns of Chava running off with Fietka), the choreography includes first Motel, then Perchik coming down the aisle to the stage to cart off their respective women... So when Motel comes down, some lady's walker falls over right into his path and he trips on it... then when Perchik comes down, another woman has set her purse on the stage steps, so he's stumbling trying to get around it and her as she's frantically trying to get her purse out of the way. It was just way too funny!! Then, right after we receive the news that we have 3 days to get out of Anatevka, one of the guys is supposed to say "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth"... Well, he lifts his fist and shakes it, and instead of saying the line, he starts choking!! So we're all just sort of like... uhhhhh... not sure if we should pat his back or wait or what. Finally, after about 30 seconds he literally "chokes" it out, and the scene goes on. I whisper to him to see if he's ok, and he starts cracking up. So, NATURALLY, I start to break too... I duck my head to hide my face and regain composure... and what do I see? My apron is on inside out! So in an effort to keep from completely losing it, I grab the nearest woman and we hug mightily in our "grief"... So I whisper in her ear that my apron is on inside out and she first snorts loudly, then chokes it back, then cracks completely! It was absolutely insane today!! But then tonight's show came off well, without any major mishaps. Ahhhh... all in a day's work.

Ok, this is getting to be a really long post. I'll stop for now. Live out loud, people!

