
That was just plain weird...

Well, it's 2:30am on Sunday morning. I'm supposed to be up in 5 hours for church... Loverly. Yeah, see, I was gonna go to bed, but it's hard to do when your two year old starts fussing... and even harder still when he proceeds to throw up all over you, his bed, his room, the hallway, and (finally) every major surface of the bathroom, including the magazine basket... The only thing he missed was the mirror.

And it's also hard to go to bed immediately following such an awesome display of gastrointestinal dysfunction. Why? Because it's so completely uncharacteristic of this particular 2 yr old. He's never done that before. Ever. I mean never, ever, EVER. The Tater-Tot is FREAKISHLY healthy (not to be confused with mine own characteristic of being freakishly normal).

He had a playdate on Tuesday with a little girl who had been ill, but her non-well-being had been attributed to something she ate (she's cute as a button, by the way). Coincidence? Or.... misdiagnosis !?!? LOL. Ok, anyway. The little girl continued to throw up through the night, so now I guess I'm waiting to see if Tate will do the same.

Sweet dreams, my preciousssss...

