
Disclaimer and Explanation for Preceeding Post

Yeah, I just wanted to prepare you, I suppose, for the post that I just put up before this. It's harsh. I talk rather negatively about things like therapy and counselling, and I don't want any of you to take it the wrong way. I'm talking about mainstream, non-Christian psychiatry and psychology. Please take me literally in the essay below--I say things like "95%", etc. So even in referring to secular therapy, I'm not saying it's "all" useless. I just wanted to head some of this off at the pass. I don't want to anger or alienate anyone (or get emails calling me narrow-minded and heard-hearted, lol). Because if you get to know me, I'm really not--at all... ok, well maybe slightly narrow-minded, since I refuse to believe anything contrary to the Bible, lol. But you know what I mean. And I do believe that many wonderful things can be accomplished through therapy--but usually it only happens when you allow God to work in the healing process.

What I'm trying to say is: I'm sorry, I have no tact sometimes... but I believe there are times when God wants people to speak plainly, without tact... to say it like it is. It's often a really good way to get someone's attention.

Ok, I've posted WAY too much tonight. Enjoy!

And remember: Love God, love others, love life--live it OUT LOUD, and leave a legacy!

