
Emails Are Swell.

Ok, I'm so stinkin' happy! I got a really great and encouraging email from Doreen, and it just totally made my day! She's a student at HILC and I just LOVE reading her blog to see what she's up to in the great Down Under. I hope I get to meet her someday--she's such an awesome Godly Girl. I seriously recommend checking out her blog.

Oh, by the way, I found my card and license, just to let you know. It was back in the pile of papers I had left it in. God's so great!

Anyhow, the potty-training isn't going as well as I'd like, partly on my account. It's just hard to remember to take him to the bathroom when I'm busy building a Mega-Block Monstrosity on the floor of his bedroom with him. Or when I'm tickling the living daylights out of him. That's one our favorite things to do.

He got mad at me today. Made me feel like such a terrible mom. I was folding laundry while he was playing with his little dump-truck thingie (ok, so it's not really little, it's one of those little tykes motorized vehicle thingies that he rides on, only I don't have a sidewalk, and my driveway is sand, so the only place he really gets to ride it is through the living room, dining room, and kitchen)... I finished (well, not finished, I just got tired of it and stopped), and kicked back on the couch to read... He got all upset because I wasn't playing with him. I felt horrible, like I was neglecting my child. I know it's silly, but my heart still broke for a minute. Anyway, just thought I'd tell you.

Well, good news, of a sort: My older sister has agreed to stay on through this run (of Filddler) to keep watching Tate for me, and I only have to pay her $50/week to help with her expenses while she's here. That's SO awesome!!! It saves me some money, and buys me a little time.

And for bad news, my little sister is back in detox. I'll have a rant about that another time. I just don't have the energy for it right now. It's more than sad--it's pathetic. She's not addicted to anything, she just does it for attention. And don't sit there telling me I'm being cruel. It's the truth... but as I said, I won't go into it now. I'll need to vent about it in a day or so, so watch out for it.

But all things considered, God is so awesome. Heh, all things chucked out the window, God is still so awesome. Sometimes I just sit back and think about how wonderful He is. And I get filled with such excitement and awe. It's really great to think about Him, and what He is, and what He's done, and how great His love is. He's just plain great. Well, ok, not plain, LOL!

Oh! And I got the new Hillsong CD (Hope) today! TOTALLY AWESOME!!! Yeah, then when I got home, I found out that Hillsong was running a sale on it. Buy the DVD and get the CD thrown in free. UGH! Oh well. I'll just order that and give the CD to my older sister for Christmas. I want the DVD really bad too. Good thing I've got a bit of birthday money coming soon.

Oh, wow! It's my birthday this Sunday. Cool! It always sneaks up on me... wow, I'll be a quarter of a century old... that's not a happy thought. I haven't accomplished nearly enough for God yet--I better get started!

I'm being really chatty tonight--good grief! Sorry, I'll stop now. GOD BLESS EVERY SINGLE SOLITARY ONE OF YOU!!! Go with Him, 'cause nothing else matters! And remember: Love God, love others, love life, live it OUT LOUD--and leave a legacy!!

