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Still... sheesh. Emails but no comments. Are y'all afraid to leave a message that can be viewed by others? Where's your spirit of adventure? (What kind of dog are you anyway?... um, nevermind)

So I still don't want to talk about my sister yet. I'm just checking in then signing off for bed. I'll do better tomorrow, I promise.

Here's something to amuse you though: I got bit on the neck tonight, by a human being, and it bled... Talk about weird. Chris (who plays the lower half of my body) was goofing off while I was sitting on the couch in the greenroom (playing electronic yahtzee---ADDICTIVE). So he jumps on me and starts pretending to devour me (this is not entirely unusual for these people; I get jumped on at least 4 times a week). Well, he's eating a starburst while he's doing this, and so he's actually chewing. Well, his teeth get just a little too close to Jack's neck, and rather than pretend to take a bite out of her... He. Actually. Does.


It was really bizarre. And Eddie cracked me up onstage in the middle of my song. It was a crazy night. Anyhow. Love God, love others, love life, live it OUT LOUD--and leave a legacy!!

