
I Was Mistaken...

I'm not going to bed just yet... Sometimes I think my blog is my only good friend, lol (apart from God, that is), and so since I need a friend, I'm going to spend some time with my blog...

Hi blog. How are you? Oh, that's good to hear. I'm sorry I don't come out and play more.

Ok, nevermind, I can't do this either. I'm reading Joyce Meyer's Me and My Big Mouth... and we're not supposed to think or say negative things... Well, I'm not capable of controlling the thoughts just yet, so I'll control my mouth... or in this case, my hands. Here goes nothing:

I am not feeling sad or depressed or lonely or scared. Those are not wholesome or Godly, and I am giving them to God. Here you go, God. Have at them. I'll go to bed and let You work on them awhile, since my working on them seems to make things worse.

I keep telling myself I need to spend more time cultivating deeper friendships. But I have no time as it is. How do y'all make time for stuff like that? Tate's getting very clingy and fussy lately. I've been away a lot. My dad keeps harping me to spend every available moment out looking for a job. So on my "weekend" when I usually get to be with Tate, I've been leaving him with my sister to go put in resumes and whatnot. I hate it, he hates it... Ok, that's negative too. Egads. I'm going to bed.

