

Apparently if you do a search for "Aaron Harring korea", you'll get my site. Heh. Thought that was pretty cool. A friend of his from the States was trying to find him, and did that search, got my site, and emailed me. Pretty cool.

I'm going through a leadership training course with some people in my church. I really like it, but I don't know if I'll be able to continue it. I hope I can, it's just that it seems like I never get to be around Tate anymore, and it's killing me. I miss my baby. One of the things we're doing in the class is going through a video seminar and workbook from Rick Warren (Saddleback Church) on The Purpose Driven Church. It's got some wonderful insight and information. (I still HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend his book, The Purpose Driven Life... for EVERYONE.)

I don't even know what to talk about, I just felt like I should blog something. I'm getting really bad again about rambling update-style posts. I need to focus. Pick a topic and stick to it, really explore it. I guess I'm a superficial blogger, at the moment. Don't worry, I'm sure that'll change. I'm always changing. Ugh. Sometimes I wish I was normal and constant and steadfast and all that boring, stuffy stuff. Then I think of what it would be like to be all that boring stuffy stuff and I'm glad I'm me.

God made me precisely who I am... He made me to be precisely the way I am... There are people out there that He wants me to reach, and only I can reach them as I am. That's so cool. There are people that you can reach that I can't. There are people that I can reach that you can't. Be glad you are who you are... Because if you were someone else, you wouldn't be able to reach the people He created you to reach.

Reach out and love someone...

