
Time To Start Whoopin' Some Butt

Ok, people. My faithful readership has turned into a secret bunch of lurkers. 30 people viewed this blog between 3am (when I went to bed) and 7:30am (when I got up and checked my email). No one leaves comments anymore. What is that? I was actually just talking to Scott about that last night. We go visit all these blogs and just move on to the next without commenting. We've decided to try to do better. And so should you, my friends. We all know how discouraging it is to speak into the void and have no one speak back. Speak, I say! Speak!

Anyway. I'm home early from work today - daycare called, Tate had a fever, so I had to come get him and take him home. So he's sleeping now, and I'm a little bored, heh. I guess I could use this time to catch up on folding some of my laundry. I think I'm up to like 6 baskets now... woops. heh. Yeah well, one of them is all socks, and it's not like they have to be folded. And another one is stuff that needs to be ironed, so it's not like... ok, yeah, I know. But it's just so hard to care when there's no one to keep the house perfect for. But I'm going to start "practicing" again. Training myself to keep the house spotless all the time - especially putting away laundry, since that seems to be my major downfall, lol. I even got The Messies Superguide for Christmas... it's a book that will help me accomplish the goal.

I love books... Books are so awesome. I don't look like the typical bookworm, but I sooooo am. I inhale information like it's pizza, and I'm also one of those people who can read a novel from cover to cover without ever coming up for air. Right now I'm reading Every Woman's Battle. Goooood book. And Genesis. And Mothers and Sons. Yeah, I know, I do that too.

So yeah, Tate's not sleeping anymore. Now he's watching Winnie The Pooh and eating bologna by the slice... ...yeah, don't even try. I think we'll go to Super-Walmart tonight. That usually cheers him up.

Holy. Cow. I just thought of something. What will I do when I'm in South Korea and there's No. Super. Wal-mart?? Oh my goodness gracious. Holy COW. Do they have something similar there? I doubt it. Whoah. But hey, I can always go to Tony Roma's. Whatever. Sheesh. Ok, I have to stop thinking about that before I really start to panic.

This is probably one of the most random posts I've ever written. Hmmmm... Yeah, so I'm gonna go watch Winnie The Pooh now. T-T-F-N, Ta-Ta For Now!

