
Impending Hallelujah Chorus

Hey, just wanted to let y'all know that I've finally gotten around to starting that picture and info sight I've been meaning to start... heh. Sorry for keeping you frustrated with that dad-gum "picture" testlink for so long. It will actually lead to something soon.

Just got back from the company Christmas party... yeah, I know, real Christ-centered and all. It was ok. I was completely dreading it. Not real sure why, just didn't want to be there.

Ok, here's a question (we'll keep it rhetorical for simplificative as well as applicative purposes): You're at work, company party is coming up... and "Nice Looking Flirty Guy" from another department seeks you out and then "casually" asks if you'll be there. You've been avoiding NLFG (a bit like the plague) for the most part because he's extra flirty with you, and you suspect he'd love nothing more than to ask you out--and you just don't want to be in that situation (primarily because you have a significant other). You give a non-commital grunt and go on about your day... So, do you avoid the off-site party or go be a sport and take one for the team?

That was one of the reasons I didn't want to go. I didn't want him thinking he was the reason I was there... and the way he asked, it probably would have been taken that way. So I spent most of the night trying to avoid eye-contact with him. Then there was the sweet married guy in MY department who seemed to have trouble not touching me in some way or another.

Don't get me wrong, I'm very affectionate and think human touch is essential, even in non-romantic relationships, but you always know how you're being touched, and this was very non-threatening but still rather possessive.

Is it just me or do others of you have trouble discouraging people? I don't mean that I openly encourage, I just don't know how to discourage advances without hurting people. Do I turn around and say "Mr. X, you're so sweet. Don't touch me again." Or "Hi, Mr. X. Yeah, I so didn't come here so that you could monopolize my time. But, hey! Merry Christmas!" I think I'm going to go buy myself a ring and wear it on my ring finger. The thing is, even if I wasn't in love with someone, I still don't think I'd want this--I certainly didn't before. But I was in a more clear cut situation... almost everyone I worked with was either openly gay or was a sex-crazed god in their own little world. It was more obvious to them that I was different. I don't know... I don't even know what I'm trying to say... I'll just shut up now.

Keep it real, folks. And keep it upward bound. It's all that really matters.

