
Poor Little Blog

I've been neglecting you, haven't I? I used to post so often... lately I just stick my head in every few days. There, there. I'll do better, I promise.

And I've been neglecting my readership as well! Thank you all for your emails and comments. It's so encouraging! Y'all are great, and I'm so blessed to have you in my life. It's amazing how God can use the internet, isn't it? Hmmmm, does that mean He's adaptable? LOL, whatever. I'm just glad He's there... (and here... and over there... and right there)

Scott seems to be doing well with his renewed commitment to a more active role in his sexual purity. Keep it up, Scott - your examination of self is an inspiration, and I'm so glad that you share it with others. It's pretty much the reason we're here, isn't it? It's why I'm here anyway. I'm a screw-up, and God loves me anyway. So I'm going public with it, in the hopes that it can help someone else. Anyway...

I've got more to talk about, but I don't want to do another 7-mile-post. I think I'll take a break and think a bit. Here's some food for thought, though: how readily do you accept true unconditional love? Do you trust it? Let me know...
