
"Sappy Girl-Post (and more)", Take Two

Yeah... I started this post about 2 hours ago. And then my browser got hijacked... repeatedly... and then they started loading software, and installing it, on my harddrive... added to that and the mad rush of computer-freezing pop-ups, i had essays on my desktop... i had really big letters in my browser... these evildoers even SENT an email i was, at the time, composing. So yeah... I'm not feelin' quite so sappy anymore. But, hey, I'll give it a go anyhow.

Isn't Mac the greatest EVER? He finally commented down there under the previous post. Yeah he's awesome...

And since I've brought up the last post... Now seems a good time to ponder just what happened down there. That is arguably the shortest, most pointless post in the history of Jack's Personal Growth Chart, and it gets 8 comments right off the bat. What is up with the universe? (credit Pheobe) Just made me laugh.

Yeah, most of my posts are pretty pointless lately. Nothing to really make you think. I apologize for that, I'll try to do better. But not now, because right now, it's 10:51pm and I'm really sleepy.

Just an update on a few things:
- Tate's fever seems to be going away (however reluctantly)
- I got my first doctor's office at work today
- I'm reading Every Woman's Battle
- Jason (Tate's... Biological Father) arrives Friday
- He's staying for TEN FREAKING DAYS... **insert gnashing of teeth**
- Mom is still in the hospital, and we don't know when she'll be home
- I'm still a smoker... unfortunately.

There, Jack's Personal NewsFlash. Perhaps next time I'll do an editorial piece... or maybe even a special feature! oooooooh, aaaaaah.

Whatever, I'm tired. Here's a verse that really struck me today, right straight to the core. I was truly shocked to find my eyes moistening with the depth of feeling it evoked (especially since I've heard it all my life): "Never will I leave you. Never will I forsake you." This is a verse almost everyone has heard. One of my favorite old songs is "Give Your Heart A Home" by Don Fransisco, which includes this verse (paraphrased). And yet, it hit me like a ton of bricks. It came in a section of Every Woman's Battle where she was talking about discovering that God really can excite us more fully (and not to mention more righteously) than the ego-strokes and inappropriate attentions of a man. It's actually a really neat passage of writing. I hope no one minds, but I'll quote it here:

If you are thinking, No way will talking to God ever excite me like talking to a man, then you haven't allowed yourself to be courted by our Creator. The same God whose words possessed the power to form the entire universe longs to whisper into your hungry heart words that have the power to thrill you, heal you, and draw you into a deeper love relationship that you ever imagined possible. A guy may say that you look fine, but God's Word says "The king is enthralled by your beauty" (Psalm 45:11). A man may tell you, "Of course I love you," but God says, "I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness" (Jeremiah 31:3). Even your husband may tell you, "I'm committed to you until death," but God says, "Never will I leave you. Never will I forsake you" (Hebrews 13:5).

Make time to retreat to a quiet place with the Lover of your soul. Speak whatever is on your heart, and then listen as God speaks straight from His heart directly to yours.

You go, Shannon Ethridge... thought that might appeal to some of you. It sure hit me.

Ok, I'm gonna hit the sack now. Au revoir, peoples. Keep living for Him, and try some of that quiet time with your First Love...

