

Will he EVER leave???? ***insert Jack pulling her hair out by the handful***

Ugh. So yeah, the Sperm Donor is here. Ok, that's uncalled for, I don't have to be quite so "in-your-face", I can be more tasteful than that. So yeah, the S.D. is here... We had a bit of a blowout tonight. Last night when I got home from work, Tate was exhausted and literally passed out at 7:30pm, when he usually goes to bed around 9:30... Ok, fine, he had a good time with Jason, they played hard, etc... So tonight I get home from work (at 6:15pm) and Tate is so exhausted that all he can do is fuss and cry, and he passes out (again, literally) at 7:00pm... This is not a nice pattern I'm noticing. So I call Jason and tell him he needs to take it easy with Tate, keep in mind he's only 2, yadda-yadda-yadda... so what does Jason do? He hangs up on me. UGH.

Then he calls back, turns it all around and convinces himself that he's being the bigger person here, and tries to put me in my place. Nice try. All he accomplished was to get me angry enough that I had to literally chew my lip to keep from lashing out.


Ok, sorry, just had to vent there for a bit. Other than that, I've gotten some great news about S. Korea in the last couple of days. Mac and I had been playing around with a budget, seeing if we could afford for me to be over there without working (which requires completion of my bachelor's, which would delay things considerably, and cost several thousand dollars). It works, with an excess of $300/mo... pretty nice. Then his principal tells him (without solicitation) that if he gets married, he is paid an extra 4 million won a year (which is about $3500US)... WOW... so there's a big fat bonus in the budget... that takes it up to about $600 surplus per month... AND I just found out today how to get over there (the whole greencard/visa/whatever issue)... and it's a LOT easier than I thought it would be... a LOT lot.

All very cool.

Oh, yeah: We interrupt this broadcast to apologize to Amy for not blogging when we said we would. We promised to blog on Sunday night, but we didn't. We're sorry. Please forgive us. Thank you. We now return to our irregularly scheduled programming.

So life's a little weird right now... some totally awesome happy-happy yay stuff... and some totally awful angry-sad boo stuff. I'm full of extremes, it seems.

I think I'll wrap this up - my randomness posts aren't very comment-friendly. I want to post again tonight, something more thought- (and subsequently comment-) provoking, and if I write too much now, I'll be all blogged out.

So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMILY!!!! Amy's daughter, Emily, turns ONE today!! Yay!! and HAPPY BIRTHDAY RACHAEL!!!! My little sister (the former druggie) turns 21 today... boy that's dangerous, huh? Heh... we won't go there.

Keep up the Good Work, peoples.

