
You Be The Judge

Ok, in an effort to get a clear picture of what is going on, I'm going to submit to you the email messages I've referred to in my last few posts. I'll first present my initial email, and then the principal's response. You give me your interpretations.

--Before we begin, I'd like to state my total and complete embarrassment at having "put myself out there" quite so enthusiastically. I now wish that my email to him had been a bit more reserved, but then that wouldn't have been me. My passion and enthusiasm are a part of who I am, and he needs to know it's part of the package. Anyway...--

My email is contained in the next post, followed by his response in the one after that (was going to do it all in one gargantuan post, but y'all probably wouldn't like that, and neither would blogger). Leave your perceptions in comments if you like (that way y'all can play off each other), or feel free to email me.

Can't wait to hear your take.

