
You Be The Judge - Principal's Response

Dear Jessica,

I am having some trouble with hotmail. I hope you get something with this one!

I wrote you to say that there is one very major hurdle to you coming to Korea. To get a work visa (E-2) from the Korean government you must have a four year college degree. This is not a school requirement but one of the Korean government. They feel that they have lots of their own people that can work as "janitors" or whatever so they only allow foreigners into the country to work who can do things that a Korean person can not ...such as be a teacher at a foreign school. I also believe the expense of child care in combination with our low "missionary" pay would make finances tight for you. Finally, my first preference for a teacher is that they also have a teaching credential and some experience.

I know this is not what you hoped to hear but I wanted you to know the reality of the situation.

In Christ,

Xxxx Xxxxxxxx
