
How Incredibly Frustrating...

I'm working on a new template for my blog. It's so very cool. But there are two images that it needs, and I can't seem to get them to cooperate with my efforts.

Tate went POOP on the POTTY today!!! Yay for Tate!!!

Ok, just thought I'd tell you... Also, he's been accepted to The Bronte Preperatory School!! I'm so excited. He's a bit young, but I work with the husband of the director of the school and she'll take him on for Wednesdays and Thursdays starting with the opening of the next show at the theater, which I'm in (so I'll have to be there all eight shows each week). I still need to find care for him for Wed, Thurs, and Fri nights, but at least I have Wed and Thurs days figured out. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that my parents will be able to take him for the Sat mat and eve, and for the Sund eve.

I think I'll go toil on the new template again for a bit. If all else fails, I'll just have to find a simpler one without any images.

I wish you all God's best!!!

