
Hello there

I'm still working on the new template. The images STILL aren't cooperating. Ah well... No sense in continuing to frustrate myself tonight. I'll just put it aside.

We had Worship Team rehearsal again tonight. It actually went really well, despite a rough start. I just felt off when I came in... My heart just wasn't right, I don't know. At any rate, during "Heart of Worship" everything just seemed to come together, and we just took off straight into God's presence... it was wonderful. An instrumentalist who wasn't participating in that particular song was completely blown away. It was very moving.

I love it when that happens. God is so awesome! Dave calls it "spiritual singing"... I just think of it as "congregational worship"... where we connect with each other and offer up our worship as one, perfected through Him. It's not us... it's His beauty, shining through us... there's a wonderful energy moving through us, and each conduit strengthens it as it goes...

At least that's how I felt, lol. I don't know how y'all feel when you worship, when it's real and true and exposed and offered to God... We always have to be mindful of the time in things like this, otherwise we'd go on all night, and our families wouldn't much appreciate it, lol.

At any rate, I hope all of you are.... well, I was going to say having a wonderful day... but I'd rather pray that you are living fully in Christ... It's far more important than a nice, happy day. I strive to. But I know there is so much more I have to offer up to Him. I struggle with trying to control too much of it myself... More on that another time, though...

Oh, and don't think I've forgotten to tell you why I'm called Jack. I most certainly haven't... just thought I'd string you along a bit longer. You never know when I'll post it... perhaps the day after tomorrow? Maybe even tonight...hehe. Fare well, friends. Keep close to Him--it's a jungle out there!

