
Ages... with updates

Egads, it's been ages, hasn't it? Things have just been hectic lately. No time for much of anything. I do believe this calls for a few updates:

1. Rachael and Teddy got married! Yay! They were wed on Saturday afternoon at our church. The ceremony was short and simple, but altogether lovely.

2. Tate is sick as a dog, poor thing. I picked him up from school on Friday and he was roasting. I made them take his temperature and it was 104.1 degrees. I was NOT a happy camper. At any rate, he's been sick ever since. We've managed to get the fever under control but the coughing and congestion rage on unabated by much of anything. He's on antibiotics and decongestants and cough suppressants and fever reducers... Nothing seems to make any difference aside from the fever reducers. It's horrible, he's never been this sick and he's never been sick for this long. I hate it. I want to stay home with him and comfort him, but I have to be at work and it just sucks. A lot.

3. I got to go to the Hillsong United worship event last night and it was awesome! What a fantastic time of worship. It was so amazing to see so many young people that fired up for God. Such a blessing to behold, really. And it was REALLY loud too!! Love that.

4. My brother and his wife, Susi, just had their first baby, born this afternoon! His name is Larry Duane Smith III, but they'll call him "Trey" for the III. I thought that was clever and creative and I just love it. Yay!

So that's about it for updates. I'm missing music rehearsal for Sunday right now because Tate was feeling especially awful this evening and fell asleep an hour or so ago. He needs his rest more than he needs me dragging him across town.

I tried to blog the other day (really, I did!), but it wouldn't let me log in. Who knows.

I've got a few things I need to blog out but I'll save them for another post---don't want to be too fragmented.

Did You rise the sun for me? Or paint a million stars that I might know Your majesty? Is Your voice upon the wind? Is everything I know marked with my Maker's fingerprints?

Yeah... He did. And it is. He's so awesome!!

- Jack
