

Just about everyone in my life senses something is wrong or that I'm withdrawing. It's a little odd. I don't think I've been behaving any differently... I don't get how people are sensing it. I mean, yeah, here on the blog, everyone knows... But the people in my daily life have nothing to notice, and yet they are... It's weird, I don't know...

So I guess I'm going to try to emerge, somewhat, from the seclusion I've imposed upon myself. I'll be perfectly honest, I don't want to. I still want to hide. But I don't have that luxury, I guess.

I don't know...

I don't even feel like blogging...

Let's see, what shall we talk about? Hmmm... I've been very tired lately. Music rehearsal was a nightmare last night. What else? Oh, we performed out at the Lake Mary Art Festival last weekend. That went... ok, I guess. I think it was the first time that most of the band had played outdoors, and the sound guys were off to the side of the stage, which was NOT a good thing... Anyway... who cares.

I think my best friend might be mad at me. I haven't heard from her since this whole crap with "Brian" occurred. I mean, we don't usually talk everyday, sometimes we'll go a couple of weeks or so without catching up... But still... I don't know... I tried to call her the other day and got her voicemail... Left a message... she hasn't called back. It's fine if she's busy and all, but I just wonder if she's upset with me about something... So now I'm afraid to call her again, in case she is mad at me, because then I don't want to bug her and make her even more aggravated or something... I don't know. Maybe I should just stop worrying about it and call her. Or maybe I should just wait til she wants to call me... I don't know... I just know I miss her.

I'm gonna head back to work now.

Love God, love others... my heart's not in the rest of it. Just Love God and others...

