

Ok, I just read over that last post o' mine... Holy cow. That's a really long post. Sorry about that, I was kinda venting... So in an effort to simplify, I'll recap here so it's not so overwhelming. Then perhaps some of you will pipe up with your thoughts.

I need to get out of my house--not just want, but need, for the health and safety of Tate. But in order to afford it, I'd need to take Jason back to court, and request that he pay the full amount of child support to which Tate and I are entitled by law(about $50 more per week than he currently pays). I accepted a lesser amount initially to try to be nice to him, so it's kinda my fault (but now that Tate's in daycare, he owes even more anyway).

Should I? Keep in mind, Jason lives in Ohio. I live in Florida. That's to my advantage, but it's kindof a bum rap for him, because he'd have to come down here in order to fight it. But it wouldn't really do him any good anyhow. Is it right or fair for me to do this? I know that in the eyes of the law it is, but I just hate having to do this. But there's no way around it--I just can't afford it any other way. The other thing to keep in mind is that his payments have gotten sporadic lately... I'm just afraid that if I do this, he'll just quit his job and pay nothing... then I've screwed myself.

Ok, I'll shut up before this gets too long again. Please tell me what you think--I really don't know what to do.

