
Happy Turkey Day

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Ours was a challenge for various reasons, but it doesn't change the fact that I'm thankful. Even for the trials.

Dad is up in Ohio with his girlfriend, and with my brother and sister-in-law. I got to dump off all my baby stuff on them, since they'll be having a boy this spring. I'm reeeeaaaally thankful for that, heh.

My older sister came down on Wednesday, and was going to be staying through the weekend, but she had to leave unexpectedly when her father-in-law passed away early Thanksgiving morning. We knew he didn't have long, but we thought he had a few more weeks. He had cancer too. Please be in prayer for my sister and her husband and his family.

My mom's dad ("Papa") apparently came down with pneumonia recently and was hospitalized (but apparently they forgot to tell me). He was released on Wednesday or Thursday, so that's good. Papa turned 80 recently. Tate and I need to go visit him more often. He lives in Birmingham with my mom's brother and his family.

So there are my updates. I have a lot of cleaning to do over here at Dad's house. It's kinda trashed what with the rushed exit of my older sister and her daughter (oh, and my younger sister went with them to help watch my neice). So I'm here at dad's looking out for my little brother for the weekend. I miss my bed, lol. I think Tate misses his too. At any rate, I need to get the house cleaned up before dad gets home tomorrow.

I got a chance to have my nails done yesterday. That was really really nice. It's one of those things I just love to do every once in a while. Reminds me I'm a woman and not a machine. Of course, the first thing I did was screw up the paint on 3 of them, but hey... what do I expect? heh... I got a full set with french manicure. It looks really pretty. And I got the little white palm tree on my left pinky for my mom. We girls in the family promised to always do that anytime we got our nails done, in honor of my mom. White palm tree, left pinky.

I miss my mom...

