
I Could Hurl

I feel like I'm going to throw up. I have this horrible feeling of panic and dread washing over me. I just checked in with a really tough account I've been trying to win over... The 2nd biggest dermatologist in the country. Good friends with the biggest. Landing #2 would land me #1. Everything was looking fabulous, all the pieces were falling nicely into place. I had a few aces in my hand, and one of the other reps and my supervisor were taking a trip to their University at the end of last week and would be able to swing by and solidify the deal while they were on campus. The other rep called my doc's nurse to confirm their appt for a certain time. And then my rep wasn't able to make it... and didn't bother to call... and now my nurse is seriously cheesed off. She feels completely disrespected. I'm totally flipping PANICKED. I tried to reassure her. She did say that our service looks great and if doctor wants her to use us she has no problem whatsoever sending pts through us. But she also said that she will not ever speak with or agree to meet with that rep again. Translation: she'll speak with me, and possibly someday meet with me. Period. No one else. These two accounts would have been CAKE if they had just met with her. It would have been a done deal. And they are such large accounts that my income would have DOUBLED. I'm absolutely sick to my stomach over this. It's not the money, though that is nauseating in and of itself. It's that this relationship that I had worked so hard to build is now on the verge of destruction. This woman's life is such fast-paced chaos. I could have saved her HOURS of work every week. And she was *this close* to trusting me to do it. Now all of that could be lost.

I'm totally agonizing over this. AAARRRGGGHHH. Now we have to devise some kind of plan to gain her trust again.

I'm gonna go pull my hair out.

