
Sound Off!

That's right, boys and girls, it's time to sound off. Since I can't do much talking right now (and boy has God really taken this moment in time when I'm e-challenged to lay a lot of stuff on my heart! I'm itching to blog it.), you're going to have to fill my blog with words. What's happening in your life? What's new, what's old, what's God doing? Use the comments and let me know. If you can't comment, email me!

Dude. It's gonna take 48 uninterrupted hours of intense concentration and super-human physical prowess to put that desk together. It's a monster and it's complicated. Holy. Cow. So I may just hook up my computer and lay on the floor.

Pray for me in the coming weeks as some potential changes to our church family occur... and pray for each other too.

Love you all! But sorry: I love God most!

