
It's All Good

Well, it's over. My household(s) and my family have all survived. Did a little minor roofing on Saturday and some yard clearing, but for the most part, the damage around here wasn't too bad. Though from the site of horizontal trees and green lightening on Friday night, you'd think things would look worse. Our area did take a significant amount of damage, but it doesn't look like too many people were hurt. Hundreds of thousands of homes are still without power, it will take some places up to two weeks to get their power back. We were lucky, our neighborhood came back up on Saturday afternoon, but we are one of precious few who have been restored since the storm. They have thousands of people from all over the country in here to try and get power restored. Please keep the workers and the people affected by the storm in your prayers.

We were on the west side of the storm as it came up I-4, so we lucked out. The eye pretty much travelled right up that highway. Typically in hurricanes, the worst damage is done by the northeast portion of the storm--so if you look at it like a clock, 12 - 3 is the strongest section. At any rate... It could have been a lot worse. They said on Saturday night that the initial damage estimate to the Orlando area is about $4 billion dollars... but they expect that number to climb, possibly significantly. I'm sure it already has.

So there you have it. We're alright.

In other news, work is in turmoil again. We just lost a very significant member of our work force, and I don't know what's going to happen as a result. So if anyone knows of any good job openings, send them my way---I'm keeping my eyes peeled in case things go south at work.

Hopefully I'll blog again tonight. God bless you.

