
"The Tension Eases" and "My Boss Made Me Cry"

My big mean boss made me cry this morning. But's it's all better now... (for the moment anyhow, lol) The title up there pretty much explains everything. My boss called me into his office to "find out what's happening" this week, with all the tension and how I don't seem to be on track, blahblah. Basically, his initial intention was to grill me about something he thinks I "went over his head" about... But since it was just me and him in the office, I was able to just get real with him, which always makes him do the same. I'm contagious like that. :-)

So when all is said and done: I cried twice, fully explained the situation that he wrote me up for, and I told him he had been a huge jerk all week. I actually said that, lol. I told him it's not a name-calling or attacking thing, but it's just the truth, he's been a massive jerk all week, and I'm not the only one who is about to quit. I told him I didn't want to be here anymore, and was seriously considering taking another offer. I told him that I LOVE my job, I absolutely LOVE it. But that he and Nancy and all the b.s. was just not worth it, they were ruining it, and I would walk out the door if it didn't change and change NOW.

The tension between myself and my boss is now gone. YAY!! Whew, what a relief. I'm a few steps back from quitting now.

But let me tell you, OOOOOHHHH my goodness. I basically got a job offer this morning on my way to work for twice what I'm making now, with no politics or power-trips, and I'd be home 3 hours earlier each day. Can I just tell you that going in to my job today was intellectually/emotionally the HARDEST thing I've ever done in my life? Egads. I'm still considering the offer, though, even though things at work are somewhat better. Egads, people. TWICE what I'm making now. TWICE. wow... *sigh*

Ok, now you're updated. I hope that made sense. I don't often think very linearly... well, that's not true, I just think in at least three lines at a time, so it can confuse other people when I verbalize it. Ok, I'll shut up now.

Stay in Him!!!

