
What's Your Take?

A woman attends a church. Her faith is deepening, her walk with God is better than it's ever been. She's starting to really get it for the first time in all her years "in church", and she wants to make that public profession of faith: she decides it's high time she was baptized. She's nervous and excited all at once, and goes to the Associate Pastor of this church and tells him she'd like to be baptized at the water baptism event to be held in a few days.

He says: "That's great! Prepare your public testimony that you'll give, and let me know when it's ready. Then we can get you in at the next baptism event we hold. Unless you think you can get it written and rehearsed and ready to deliver in just a few days, I don't see how you'll be ready at this one. But let me know when you are--we'll get you taken care of" (with big smiles and an encouraging pat on the back).

She just sort of stands there in a bit of shock, nods her head, and goes back home. She calls her friend, and relays what happened. She bursts into tears and says "I can't do that! I can't speak in front of all those people! I can hardly answer a question at Small Group, how am I supposed to just give my testimony? It'll never happen, I just can't do that!"
What do you make of this situation? What's your take on it?
