
Reality Check

Gotta love it. God is good, I say... I don't mean like "God is great, God is good, let us thank Him for our food" either. I mean like "That Man is goooood, He's real good" like, "slick" good.

So we were wrapping up practice last night, and Sam walked me out to my truck because he had to get a cd for me out of his truck. And we're chitchatting away, and he says to me: "What's this about you wantin' to go to school in Sydney?"

I'm like wha?? "Dude, Sam. You've known about that. Hillsong International Leadership College, Worship and Creative Arts. You know this, I've talked with all of you about this a thousand times."

"What good's that gonna do you?" he asks.

"Sam, what are you talking about??" I exclaim. "To go study under the likes of Darlene for two years!! Come on, what good would it do? I could learn so much!! You even saw me in there tonight, I can't even talk to you guys because I don't have the musicians vocabulary, I can't communicate, I can't get across what I'm trying to say, what I hear and feel inside--I can't convey that to you, because I don't know how. This could teach me how."

"Jack. Come on. What are they gonna do, teach you how to worship? You already know how to do that. And you don't speak our language because you haven't been with us. The more time you spend around it, the more you learn. You learn by doing it, by being around it. You have the talent, you just have to develop the skill, learn the trade."

That was my reality check last night. Sometimes I get blinded by the goal, I think. Hillsong would be an awesome opportunity, and I can't say one way or the other whether God will eventually lead me there for a time. But it was nice to be reminded to take my eyes off of it and see that there is work to do here and now. It was like an epiphany, almost. This dawning of awareness... it's like my head had gotten tangled up and almost thought that I couldn't lead worship until I'd gone to school for it.

I don't know, I haven't thought it all through yet, so it probably doesn't even make sense...But it was a pretty big moment for me.

We've been itching to do so much more. Seems like things ground to a halt when Dave resigned... But Sam has been starting to sniff around, and I'm chomping at the bit. We're really wanting more than just Sunday's at church.

I've gotta start writing some music. If any of you want to try your hand at songwriting, we'd love to play your stuff. :-) send it on over.

At any rate... Love you guys. Thanks for hangin' around.

