
This Looks To Be It...

Thank you for your prayers... I can't tell you how much they mean. Please don't stop praying.

Just wanted to give an update. I came home around 2am to try and get a little sleep. I'm headed back up to the hospital now. She's listening to Hillsong's Hope. She keeps asking me to sing to her. She's telling her nurses how beautifully I sing to the Lord... but it's hard to sound good when you're crying. I think she knows she's dying... but right now she's still scared... she's worried about Ben (the youngest of us). He's only 15. She's responding best to me and my father. I left for a while to take Ben home last night, and she stopped breathing 5 or 6 times while I was gone. But when I got back, she perked up and actually ate some lime sherbet... heh. So I don't know. Once she stopped breathing a couple of times, the nurses told Cathy and Rob (mom's sister and brother, who stayed with her through the night) to call my dad, because she's going to go. They say it could take another day... but she could also be gone in 2 minutes. But one way or the other, she's going.

How do you grasp something like that? I'm just so scared... And I'm scared for her, because she's scared. I don't want her to go scared... I don't know what I'm "supposed" to pray for, so I'm just going to keep praying for a miracle.

